Mea Culpa

I have said before that I realise I should be working hard to re-invigorate this site. It has been a challenging few years – mainly on the health front. As we all get older, health issues can intrude into our lives to a greater or lesser extent. 

But getting back to why I set up this site several years ago, I wanted to focus on items of interest to people living or working in Kensington. I was particularly inspired by Grenfell. There was never a time when the need for information-sharing was more obvious and important.

During the time I have been ‘absent’ from the site, I have kept it alive by publishing items by journalists like the wonderful Dave Hill – and I thank him for his support. 

But, it is high time I got back into action. My belief in the need for information-sharing is as great as ever. I love Kensington and its communities. Thanks to wonderful medics – my GP practice at Stanhope Mews West, the Royal Brompton Hospital and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. I can think, write and get around – with a little help. I seem to have spent more time with the medical profession than many of my friends, but those amazing people in the medical profession have kept me going, with a little effort on my part!

I must not waste this opportunity. I owe it to the medical profession, my friends in communities across Kensington and to myself!! 

Kensington is worth it!!



A Real Need To Re-invigorate!!!