I have been absent from the site and I can only apologise. Thanks to Dave Hill and some of the amusing contributions from the Dame, Kensington View has not been entirely silent. I value their contributions very much. But, I am determined to tackle this and I shall be using my blog more regularly from now on – if the fates will be kind to me for a while!
Why my absence? Almost a funny story, well an adventurous one anyway. But, what is a blog for? And, it is a good way of telling others about living and ageing in Kensington.
If I go back to the start of shielding – yes, that far back. I managed to get three chest infections and felt too unwell to really do anything but endure lockdown. That time came to an end and I arranged to meet a friend for lunch – a long-awaited treat.
That evening I had the first of four falls – and over the next few weeks, three stays at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, one fall and stay included a broken shoulder (ouch!!). I am only now, finally, able to ‘almost’ use two hands and the computer again. I also had more chest infections to go with the falls.
I launched this website, thanks to the support of some friends, particularly Alison McArthur, and the technical skills of John Catto. My aim was simply to share useful and interesting news and information with others living and working in our borough. I am angry with myself that I have been so inactive for the last few months – not to mention being so ‘clumsy and unfortunate’.
But I have discovered much more about some of the services we have in Kensington to support those who have accidents or become ill and are on their own. And, as someone who is ageing with difficulty – at least at the moment – it is so reassuring to find out that there is support for people who are on their own. I intend to expound on those experiences and ‘share’ information.
I’ll be back soon – and that’s a promise – with plans for the website to secure its future.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. What a year.
A Time of Chaos – for Me Anyway!