The 13 beds in the Pembridge Unit, St.Charles’ palliative care ward, have been closed since last October due to the lack of a consultant. It has now been announced that they may be lost permanently: an independent reviewer has stated
Fighting Diabetes
I came across a great volunteering scheme yesterday – Fight Diabetes in Your Community’. Diabetes Champions are based in GP practices and are there for people at risk of Type 2 Diabetes. If you have experience of living with Type
The Power of Music
There is understandable pride in Ann Goodger’s voice when she speaks of the Nucleo Project at the Dalgarno Centre in North Kensington. Ann, Chief Executive of the Dalgarno Trust, responsible for the centre, explains that 350 children now come every
A Tribute to Jennifer Ware
She was known by many as Mrs Earl’s Court, Jennifer Ware, who died recently was a name that became synonymous with the words ‘community and Earl’s Court’. Several hundred people gathered to pay tribute to her and celebrate her life