I am very sure of one thing that ‘our carers’ deserve so much more than clapping – although it was a good start. Having had five trips to hospitals in Kensingtpe in recent weeks – four as an in-patient – and receiving ‘support care’ at home, I have some idea of what I am talking about.
The word Carers covers so many people and organisations. I have included some below – the Ambulance Service, our hospitals, the nurses and doctors in them, GP surgeries and all their staff, Local Authority social services, carers in agencies and in of course in care homes. I hope that if this pandemic teaches people anything, it is to appreciate how lucky we are to have people and organisations that care for us
I found it very comforting to find out the care that is available for someone like me – single, live on my own and no family (apart from Dolly my amazing dog). I can only speak of Kensington, but I believe it is available almost elsewhere.
During my recent adventurous period – four falls in as many weeks – I discovered that help is at hand when you come out of a hospital. The Community Independence Service kicks in with its ‘reablement service’. You are allowed six weeks of support through carers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists all working together to ‘get you back on your feet’!
I confess I felt a little awkward about having someone in to my home to assist me with ‘personal care’. It’s funny how when the need is great, common sense and acceptance sets in. I have had the most amazing support and I am getting there. The carers have been wonderful and caring – and that helped a lot.
I was deeply impressed by the Royal Brompton Hospital – the way it is organising itself in these very difficult times to ensure patients have access to tests and procedures and operations is outstanding.
It felt rather special when I checked in to the Royal Brompton this week for a procedure on my heart. The ward I was admitted to had a lovely view overlooking St Luke’s Church – every little helps at a time like this! The care and professionalism at this hospital are second to none.
If I may, I’ll end with a list of ‘personal thank yous’ to the NHS Ambulance Service in Kensington, Chelsea ad Westminster Emergency Department and the associated wards, Royal Brompton Hospital and the team on Paul Wood Ward, the amazing Dr Jonathon Clague and his team, Professor Stephen Durham and Dr Guy Scadding, Kensington and Chelsea Social Services and the Community Independence Service.
They all made me feel safer and better. I hope that these words will be encouraging to anyone else who might face similar challenges in Kensington. We are not alone.
They Deserve More Than Clapping!