Thursday, 4 March 2021

Dear Dame

As protector of the downtrodden could you please publish this? 

Your ‘blog is now the ‘go to’ source for news of 

dark doings in our Royal Borough……

… has long been noted that RBKC is a place beyond the reach of the law of the land. 

While the ghosts of Grenfell Tower are still not at peace RBKC has conceived yet another way to rid itself of more of the largely BAME lower classes in nearby Portobello Market.

With NO public consultation, RBKC is quietly clearing the way for planning permission to be granted to ten Portobello market pubs and restaurants, enabling them to place out tables and chairs on the roadway for evening trade. 

In the main, these are pubs and restaurants owned by huge international companies.

To this end, RBKC has told its market traders they must leave their pitches immediately the international corporate interests demand their spaces. 

This spells the end of Portobello Market and another part of our rich history.

Apart from the simple cruelty of the plan, in true medieval style, RBKC ignores the fact that this is unlawful. 

It’s not a merely a breach of local regulations, but of primary, parliamentary legislation. 

The London Local Authorities Act 1952 as amended, protects the rights of some of the poorest people in society to earn a living.

Cllr Lady Catherine Faulks remains oblivious. 

She recently told the traders they must adjust to the new reality. 

Or perhaps officers in the multiple departments responsible for this outrage omitted to inform councillors of RBKC’s legal position.

As ever, RBKC expects North Kensington’s underclass to disappear in silence. 

History shows that RBKC is mistaken. 

Meanwhile, Cllr Faulks will doubtless welcome residents’ views on her position regarding this matter.

In conclusion, never forget that some of Britain’s greatest retailers emerged from  a simple market stall… Marks & Spencers, Tesco, Superdry, Monsoon are just a smattering of retailers who started life in markets like Portobello.

Yours truly
North Ken


The Dame: An Awful Unlawful End To Portobello Market?