Sunday, 11 October 2020


The Dame is much annoyed by certain comments on the congratulatory piece about local hero, Cllr Henderson….a Labour councillor and a very good one.

Some comments suggest her jottings are inspired by fervour for the Tory Party: nothing could be further from the truth. 

You only need to look back at the hounding of the likes of Cockell et al to realise the sheer nonsense of any suggestion of favouritism.

The fact is that some of newer Conservative councillors are actually rather good compared to their predecessors: for that, they should be praised.

The Dame has one criticism of the Chief Executive or, as we nostalgically remember them, ‘Town Clerks’.

This current chappie, Doctor Quirk, is so blown up with his self-importance he sees no need to reply to emails from lowly residents who pay him his daily rate of £1000. 

Can anyone think of who else would pay this expert on ‘public policy‘(whatever that is) £1000 a day?

The Dame certainly can’t. 

Come on, Doctor Q…. don’t forget who puts food on your table!

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