A great example of how to encourage community spirit is set by St Philips Church on Earl’s Court Road and its vicar Pippa Turner. And proving how broad a community really is, this Friday 4 October at 4 pm there will be a service of Blessing of Animals.
It is an opportunity to take along your pets, even a photo of them, or just go to celebrate with others who love animals, birds and all creations.
Pippa has made a great effort to reach out to the community and even teamed up with a popular local pub – The Scarsdale Tavern – to hold a coffee morning there on the second Thursday of every month – with the next event 10 October
There are events throughout the month, including a book club, activity afternoons and everyone in the community is truly welcome. A lot of work of building up community events has also been carried out by Veronika Abdian who has sadly had to resign due to family reasons and there has been praise for her work. She will be missed.
Another event, also on Friday 4 October, will be a film night (after the pet service). Jacques Tati’s ‘Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday’ will be screened at 6.30, with refreshments served from 6.00 pm. Entry is free of charge but donations for resfreshments will be welcome.
For general questions about events and community activities contact the Vicar, the Revd, Pippa Turner at vicarstphilips@specr.org
The Really Inclusive Community!