The lives of residents in Chelsea and Knightsbridge are being wrecked and endangered by speeding, noisy supercars barrelling down their streets. Sloane and Pont St’s, Knightsbridge, Brompton Rd, Walton St and Ovington Square are their preferred ‘drags’.
There are two distinct perennially offending groups
Middle Eastern visitors with supercars with illegible and unrecordable registration plates
Uk residents with legible plates
Every effort has been made to persuade the Middle Eastern embassies to assist: it’s been a complete waste of time.
Therefore the Council needs to be talking to talking to DVLA about:
1. Insisting that vehicles with illegible Arabic plates are replaced with temporary British plates and registered to a legitimate UK address
2. Temporarily imported supercars are inspected by DVLA to ensure they are UK road legal.
Specifically, the Mercedes Benz 4 wheel drives which are a huge speed and noise nuisance.
This action will be highly disruptive.
But, in reality, there is just one cure in the absence of effective policing….we need strategically sited speed cameras. There is no other solution.
The money to install is there from the ring-fenced parking enforcement revenues and once installed the payback period will be rapid.
A reader tells me that the Council is now, at last, willing to consider cameras but it will require the support of TfL and parliamentary time.
So, the Dame calls upon Greg Hands and Emma Dent Coad to get behind residents and get these cameras up and running.
There is no other solution and fiddling around the edges just won’t cut the mustard.
The Council has wasted far too long on this issue and now needs some resolute action. Come on, Doc Quirk, this is one for you too.
The Dame
Original post at From The Hornets Nest
- top image © CC BY 3.0
The Dame: Come on Greg and Emma … your Constituents need you!